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Mitmachen bei terre des hommes - Mädchen hält Schild hoch

Sie wollen die Welt verändern? terre des hommes braucht Menschen jeden Alters, die sich für Kinder in Not engagieren! Jetzt Mitglied werden!

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin:

Barbara Blindert
Tel: 0 23 31 / 7 60 19

E-Mail: hagen@remove-this.tdh-ag.de

Introducing terre des hommes Working Group Hagen

We have a heart and a mind for children, for fun and for campaigning together. We talk about about the situation of children and youth in the South and in the North, about boys and girls, who are hungry, who are working, who have to kill and who have to prostitute themselves, because their situation forces them to do it. We help through campaigns and projects in the South and here in the North to open up prospects for these children and young persons, to give them shelter and help them helping themselves. We are looking for like-minded people of any age with energy and new ideas, who want to fight for the rights of children, who set up information-counters in the city-centre,collect money,research and edit information, talk with people and try new ideas for campaigns

Mitmachen bei terre des hommes - Mädchen hält Schild hoch

Sie wollen die Welt verändern? terre des hommes braucht Menschen jeden Alters, die sich für Kinder in Not engagieren! Jetzt Mitglied werden!

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin:

Barbara Blindert
Tel: 0 23 31 / 7 60 19

E-Mail: hagen@remove-this.tdh-ag.de